Accessibility Statement

Women’s Health Wise Web Site Accessibility Status & Statement

At Women’s Health Wise, we believe that all persons should have access to information on the web irrespective of disability.

Women’s Health Wise is committed to ensuring that the content on this website is accessible to the widest range of visitors, regardless of disability. We have designed this website with accessibility in mind. We have considered the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act, and have based our technical approach on the accessibility guidelines set out by the World Wide Web Consortium as of the date of design of this website.

Additionally Women’s Health Wise supports relevant WCAG 2.0 Priority 2 & 3 Checkpoints that we deem important to the successful use of our page to persons with or without disabilities. Women’s Health Wise is not a federal agency, nor is the Company required by law to comply with Section 508 or WCAG 2.0. Women’s Health Wise maintains accessibility as a courtesy to site visitors and as a way of making the general site navigation and usability easier. If a page cannot be made accessible Women’s Health Wise will work to make a text version available. If you have questions regarding Accessibility and the Women’s Health Wise Web site please call us at 303-776-5820.